We are sending all packages with the Registered Air Mail method only.
Here is the table of shipping rates vary by order subtotal and destination group.
Subtotal (USD)
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
10.00 - 30.00
7.00 USD
8.00 USD
10.00 USD
13.00 USD
30.01 - 50.00
8.00 USD
9.00 USD
11.00 USD
14.00 USD
50.01 - 70.00
9.00 USD
10.00 USD
12.00 USD
15.00 USD
70.01 - 90.00
10.00 USD
11.00 USD
13.00 USD
16.00 USD
90.01 - 120.00
11.00 USD
12.00 USD
14.00 USD
17.00 USD
120.01 - 150.00
12.00 USD
13.00 USD
15.00 USD
18.00 USD
150.01 - 200.00
13.00 USD
14.00 USD
16.00 USD
19.00 USD
The exceeded amount of 200 USD will be looping calculated and merged
Ship within Thailand just $2.50 USD per order only!
*** Order with FDC items may be asked for
an extra charge a bit. (Up to their quantities and your destination zone under a shop owner's consideration)
*We affix some beautiful stamps as postage everytime,
you can keep them to your collection or exchange with your friends.
Available Delivery Countries
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Cambodia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea Republic Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Taiwan Vietnam
Australia Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Czech Republic France Germany India Iran Iraq Israel Jersey Kazakhstan Lebanon Macao Maldives Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Oman Pakistan Qatar South Africa Sri Lanka Turkey U.A.E. United Kingdom
Argentina Austria Bahrain Belarus Brazil Canada Croatia Denmark Estonia Finland Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Jordan Luxembourg Mexico Monaco Nepal Nigeria Norway Poland Portugal Romania Saudi Arabia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukrain
United States
The countries in red colour will be added 1.00 USD from the normal rate. For example: Ordering from France with subtotal 75.00 USD. The shipping cost will be ==> 11.00 + 1.00 = 12.00 USD.
Service Fee
This mean the service fee that we will be charged
by PayPal when we get paid from you about 5% of your total
payment. We included this charge to the shipping cost already. You
will not be charged anymore for the service fee unless of your order
have the FDC items as mentioned above. So, your expected estimate total payment is your order subtotal
+ the shipping cost rule above.
Estimated time takens delivery after shipped
From Thailand to other Asian countries: 5-15 days
From Thailand to Europe: 7-15 days
From Thailand to North America: 14-30 days
From Thailand to South America: 14-30 days
From Thailand to Africa : 10-20 days ** The actual time taken depends on shipping destination.